clrlogodeg.gif 14.53 K Resources for Children of Holocaust Survivors
  Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find this book you listed on your site?

All of the books and articles listed in this site come with full bibliographical information, and that information should be sufficient for you to find it in your library, request it in your library via interlibrary loan, or purchase it in a bookstore. All of the books listed in this site that are in print and available through online bookstores are linked so that you can just click on the title and get taken to the bookseller.


Would you put me in contact with a survivor of the Holocaust? I have so many questions/I have to write a report/I'm doing a survey...

I do not arrange personal interviews with survivors for purposes of school reports, studies, or personal quests. There are many organizations that have education and outreach programs, some of which do arrange for actual survivors to talk with student and community groups. Please contact one of those organizations. I would start with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - they have a speaker bureau.


Where can I find groups or therapists in <insert location here>

All of the support groups, therapy groups and therapists I know of appear on the web site under Support Groups and Therapy Groups. I am sure there are many more. I rely on these groups to inform me of their existence and current information. If you know of a group that should be listed, please email me.


The link/email you list for <insert group or person here> is broken. Can you direct me to a working contact?

I rely on groups and individuals to inform me of their existence and current information. If you know of a contact that should be updated, please email me.


I want to recover looted property. Where should I go?

I have created a new page, Legal/Political, that contains a section of resources on restitution.


I want to apply for reparations. Where should I go?

I have created a new page, Legal/Political, that contains a section of resources on reparations.


I want to find out what happened to my missing relatives. Where should I go?

I have created a new pages, Tracing Ancestors, that contains some information on finding people or finding out about people.


I want to find out more about your organization...

This site is not affiliated with any organizations. It is created and operated by one person. This is to keep it independent.


Commentary on Obtaining Videos

When you follow the links to the distributor for the videos for which I have been able to find distribution, you will find that obtaining the video is very expensive. This is because documentaries are not in high demand, and because most of the requests for documentaries are from educational institutions. Demand documentaries. Support the National Endowment for the Arts; support PBS documentary programming. Buy access to the documentary cable channel that Sundance is planning to launch. Doing so will provide money for documentaries (like me) to get funding to do their work, and it will create competition to get the videos to you, reducing the cost to you of obtaining documentaries. Thank you for reading my soap-box speech.


All Contents Copyright 1999
Last revised: 6/04