clrlogodeg.gif 14.53 K Resources for Children of Holocaust Survivors
  Children of Survivors & Children of Perpetrators

editor's note: Is your group or publication missing from this list? please email me with the information! Thanks! -J



Sidney Chafetz exhibit April 1 - 30, 1999 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Bar-On, Dan

“Encounters between descendants of Nazi perpetrators and descendants of Holocaust survivors.” Psychiatry 58: 3 (1995): 225–245

Fechler, Bernd

“Zwischen Tradierung und Konfliktvermittlung: Über den Umgang mit problematischen Aneignungsformen der NS-Geschichte in multikulturellen Schulklassen.” In Erziehung nach Auschwitz in der Multikulturellen Gesellschaft, eds. B. Fechler, G. Kössler and T. Lieberz-Gross. Juventa, 2000.

Fechler, Bernd; Kössler, Gottfried.

“Lerntag oder Gedenktag? Der pädagogische Umgang mit der Erinnerung an den Holocaust heute.” In 27.Januar--Lerntag oder Gedenktag? Anregungen zur pädagogischen Gestaltung des “Tages des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus,” eds. G. Kössler and G. Steffens. Fritz Bauer Institut: Pädagogische Materialien Nr. 6, 1999

Garfield, Ken

San Jose Mercury News (San Jose) April 1997, by Ken Garfield.

Green, Lisa. 1992.

"The Jewish/German Dance Theatre." Contact Quarterly 17 (Winter):26-28. Translated in German: 1989. "Jewish German Dance Theatre: Jenseits der Sprachlosigkeit." Tanz Aktuell 6:20-21.

Halbmayr, Brigitte

"Belastete Begegnung: "Es liegt nicht an uns, unsere Eltern zu versöhnen" ["Weighty Encounter: 'It Isn't Up to Us to Reconcile Our Parents'."] Neue illustrierte Welt (Vienna), August/September 1995, page 17.

Kranz, Tobias

"1999--Unterwegs." In Was bleibt von der Vergangenheit: Die junge Generation im Dialog uber den Holocaust.Mit einem Beitrag von Roman Herzog. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag.

Kreindler, Stuart

"History's Accounting: Liability Issues Surrounding German Companies for the Use of Slave Labor by Their Corporate Forefathers." Dickinson Journal of International Law, 18/2 (Spring 2000).

Krondorfer, Bjorn

2001 "At Ratner's Kosher Restaurant." In Second Generation Voices by Children of Victims, Perpetrators and Bystanders of the Shoah, ed. Alan Berger. Syracuse University Press

"Die Gegewaertigkeit des Holocuat in interkulturellen Begegnungen." Querbrief des Weltfriedensdienst, 2 (Mai 2000).

2000. Confronting Memory, Tolerating Differences: Encountering the Holocaust as a Third Generation (1999 Report of the International Summer Program, 10th anniversary edition).

1999. "Searching for the Other Across the Generational Gap: A Journey." Lecture at Center for Austrian Studies (Theme: "Creating the Other: Causes and Dynamics of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity, and Racism in Central and Eastern Europe"). Minneapolis, MN.

1999. “Healing the Wounds: Post-Holocaust Generations in Dialogue” (Plenary Panel),. 29th Annual Scholars’ Conference on Holocaust and the Churches. Uniondale, NY, March.

1998. “German-Jewish Dialogue: Three Generations After the Holocaust.” Drew University Center For Holocaust Studies. Conference on “Sixty Years After Kristallnacht: German-Jewish Relation in Germany Today.” Madison, NJ, October.

1997. Living in a Post-Shoah World II: Reflections of American, German, Jewish and Christian Students. Edited by B. Krondorfer and Christian Staffa. Berlin: Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg (Nach-Lese 1/97). pp. 74.

1997. "Encounter as a Way of Working through the long-lasting Effects of the Holocaust." (Panelist). Conference on “Intergenerational Transmission of the History of the Holocaust." Berlin, Germany, January.

1996. "Third-Generation Jews and Germans: History, Memory & Memorialization." In Working Papers of the Volkswagen Foundation Program in Post-War German History. Washington D.C.: AICGS (John Hopkins University) and German Historical Institute.

1995. "Remembrance and Reconciliation in the Third Generation." Research Institute of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., September.

1995. "Post-Shoah Jewish/German Relations: The Third Generation." American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington, D.C., April.

1995. "Remembrance and Reconciliation." Annual Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, March.

1994. Living in a Post-Shoah World: Reflections of American, German, Jewish and Christian Students. Edited Christian Staffa and Bjorn Krondorfer. Berlin: Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg (NachLese 5/94). pp. 97.

1994. "Holocaust Memory and the Identity of Post-Shoah Jews and Germans." Remembering for the Future II, Berlin, Germany, March.

1994. "German Family History: A Stumbling Block in Jewish/German Encounters." (with Katharina von Kellenbach), Conference on Christianity and the Holocaust, Rider College, NJ, March.

1993. "The Making of Memory: Holocaust Museums in Conflict with History, Art, and Community." American Academy of Religion (AAR), Washington D.C., November.

1992. The Third Generation After the Shoah Between Remembering, Repressing and Commemorating: American/Jewish and East/West German Exchange Program. Edited Christian Staffa and Bjorn Krondorfer. Berlin: Evangl. Bildungswerk (Dokumentation 88/92). pp. 110

1992. "A Conspiracy of Silence: Some Observations on the Lack of Intimacy Between Fathers & Sons in Post-Shoah Germany." AAR, San Francisco, Nov.

1992. "The Agony of Reconciling: Reflections on a Summer Program for Jewish/American and East/West German Undergraduate Students." 10th Annual Conference on Nontraditional/Interdisciplinary Programs, Virginia Beach, May.

1990. A Journal of a German/American Student Exchange Program: Encountering the Holocaust as a Third Generation. Edited Jon Schmidt and Bjorn Krondorfer. Berlin: Evangl. Bildungswerk (Dokumentation 73/90). pp. 76.

1988 "Experimental Drama and the Holocaust: The Work of the Jewish-German Dance Theatre and its Application to the Teaching of the Holocaust." In Methodology in the Academic Teaching of the Holocaust, eds. Zev Garber, Berger, Libowitz. Lanham: UP of America. pp. 231-259.

1988. "Embodied Testimonies: Experimental Drama and the Holocaust." International Scholars' Conference on Holocaust/Genocide, Oxford, July.

1987. "Confronting the Holocaust: Experimental Drama as a Healing Ritual Between Jews & Germans." AAR, Boston, December.

Mayer, Gabriele H

"Post-Holocaust religious education for German women" PhD. Dissertation. School of Theology at Claremont.

Merten, Jola.

"Brückenschlag der Kinder: Das Schweigen durchbrechen" ["The Children's Bridge-Building: To Break Through the Silence."] Berliner Morgenpost (Berlin), 26 August 1995.

Munn, Samson

"An Exercise in Listening" The Jewish Magazine December 2000; 38:

"The Austrian Encounter" in Kimenyi, Alexandre and Scott, Otis, Anatomy of Genocide: State-Sponsored Mass-Killings in the Twentieth Century Edwin Mellen Press, 2001.

"To Reflect and Trust — Aims of the Project and My Personal Involvement [erroneously entitled "'To Reflect and Trust' (TRT). Commitments and aims of the project" in the published version]" in Bar-On, Dan, Bridging the Gap: Storytelling as a Way to Work through Political and Collective Hostilities (Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung, 2000, ISBN 3-89684-030-4) 28-29.

"A Great Deal of Pressure,' in Bar-On, Dan, Bridging the Gap: Storytelling as a Way to Work through Political and Collective Hostilities (Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung, 2000, ISBN 3-89684-030-4)125-126.

Pfeifer, Silvia

"Kinder des Holocaust: Reden gegen das Tabu" ["Children of the Holocaust: Talking Contrary to the Taboo."] Passauer Neue Presse (Passau), 21 August 1995, page 3 (a favored, prestigious position in German newspapers), by Silvia Pfeifer.

Rohr, Esther

"Steine sind wie Zeit: Das Jewish-German Dance Theatre." Religion Heute 3/4:255-257. (1989)

Schwantner, Andreas (ed.)

Ideologie und Wirklichkeit des Nationalsozialismus Hermann Langbein Symposium 2007: Band zum Seminar (Taschenbuch) (Report on a teacher training seminar.)

Steinack, Katrin

"Die andere Seite--warum die Beschaeftigung mit der Taeterperspektive notwendig ist." In Was bleibt von der Vergangenheit: Die junge Generation im Dialog uber den Holocaust.Mit einem Beitrag von Roman Herzog. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag.

Weidinger, Birgit

"Anreden gegen die Schweigespirale: Wie Kinder von hohen Nazis und Nachkommen der Holocaust-Opfer in London versuchten, einander zu begegnen" ["Arguing Against the Spiral of Silence: How Children of Major Nazis and Descendents of Holocaust Victims Sought to Encounter One Another in London."] Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich) 4 June 1996, page 3

Wolff, Roswitha; Munn, Samson; Scholz, Sabine; Kuhl, Dirk

Einführung in die Arbeit der Nachkommen von Opfern und Tätern ["Introduction to the Work of Descendents of Survivors and of Perpetrators"] in Staffa, Christian and Klinger, Katherine, Die Gegenwart der Geschichte des Holocaust ["The Presence of the History of the Holocaust"](Berlin: Institut für vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaften, 1998, ISBN 3-9805206-1-7) 59-70.

Wolfgram, Mark Allen

"Visualizing the imagined community: History, memory and politics in Germany" PhD Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, ISBN 0-493-46268-6

Instead of a refusal to engage the history of National Socialism, he shows that Germans almost compulsively engaged this history, but from a uniquely German perspective.



Remembrance and Reconciliation: Encounters Between Young Jews and Germans. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1995.

The book analyzes the guilt, anger, embarrassment, shame, and anxiety experienced by third-generation Jews and Germans. It is about young American Jews and non-Jewish Germans and their efforts to come to terms with the history, memory, and memorialization of the Holocaust. Reconciliatory practices attempt to mend the wounds between Jews and Germans by confronting a divisive past together.

Jewish-German Encounters

Collection of links



Encounter Groups



Tells the story of the most wanted Nazi war criminal believed to still be alive today and living in Syria. Includes an encounter with his niece. Goldman is 2nd gen and Koplow is 3rd gen.





All Contents Copyright 1999
Last revised: 4/08